Adoption Situation

July 18, 2017
Uploaded by markmillerlaw - Category: Adoption Situations 0 2,382 0


POSTING DATE: 7/18/2017 DUE DATE: 11/10/17

Deadline: Wednesday, July 31, 2017 by 10:00 a.m.



Due 11-10-2017– Jacksonville, Florida




TIMELINE – very simplistic and over-generalized:

1. Situation posted: 7/18/17
2. Deadline for applications: 7/31/17
3. Tentative date to select prospective adoptive parents: 7/31/17 4. Tentative date to meet each other – between 7/31 and 8/2.
5. Tentative Due Date: 11/10/17
6. Tentative Consent/Placement Date: 11/12/17
7. Tentative ICPC clearance date (if applicable): 11/22/17


Mother: Caucasian

Father – African-American/Caucasian/Hispanic

8. Tentative TPR Date: 1/1/18

9. Tentative Final Adoption Date: 3/15/2018

Overall Risk: She is a 4.1 on our Risk Scale and that puts this in the moderate risk range.

Be forewarned that this non-scientific assessment should not be solely relied upon to make your decision. It is simply a guide to my thought process.

“Positives v. Negatives” or pros v. cons :

Positives – Moderate Maternity Related Living Expenses. She has placed before and the odds of her making a placement are very high. Due to her past and current situation, it is unlikely she will be able to parent the child. Birth Father has signed off. We have placed with her in the past and are familiar with her habits.

Negatives –History of erratic behavior – addiction related. Drug use during the pregnancy is likely. Lots of drama in her life. Not super reliable on appointments, etc.

Birth Mother:


Born in 1985, she is 31. She is 5’3 and normally weighs 120. She has brown eyes and hair. She is Caucasian. No reported mental or physical health issues.

She has had 3 other children (between the ages of 13 and 1) and two have been placed pursuant to adopted plans. She reports all are healthy to the best of her knowledge.


She has finished high school and has her GED. She describes herself as fun and outgoing. Her interests are the beach and basketball.

She is not married.

She is a convicted felon – (2013 – Drugs into a Detention Facility/Possession of Drugs/Burglary).

She is not currently employed and is staying at a weekly stay hotel/motel. We are hoping to have her get into a bit more of a stable living situation with relatives but it appears some of her life choices make staying with family a hard thing.

She reports negative to Hep C, STDs, HIV.

She reports she currently investigating a cranial lump. She is undergoing testing to determine if tumor or other issues.

She reports during this pregnancy she did drink some alcohol during the first trimester – low to moderate amount (less than five drinks a week) and does smoke marijuana. She is a tobacco smoker, as well.

She describes herself as “outgoing, funny & easy to talk to” and enjoys the beach, kayaking, fishing and basketball.

Her most recent job was helping with a refinishing pool company but the pregnancy and the heat was taking its toll on her.

Adoption History: she herself was adopted, as were both of her parents. She has placed at least two of her children for adoption. We placed a child of hers in November 2016. We reached out to the adoptive parents and they did not respond to our inquiry as to their interest level in adopting this child.

Birth Father:

He is African-American/Caucasian, 29 years old, 5’8 and weighs approximately 175 lbs and has brown eyes and brown hair. She has not


heard from him in months. A father registry search will be conducted and it is unlikely he will contest the adoption.

The Child:

Due 11/10/17. Boy. No known issues.

Sonogram on 7/12/17: Gender: Boy

Head size: 18.8 cm Femur: 3.6 cm Heart Rate: 157 bpm Weight 1lb.

Please see attachment for application